VisiData's Limits to Growth
Organically Discovered Consequences of the Design
This is a collection of bugs which are definitely not ideal, but are not worth fixing in the current implementation.
- Columns added with add-column contain cells which are not copy-paste-able
- Bug was described in issue #413.
- Columns added with add-column are column-major. They store data in themselves "about" rows. Most things will work pretty well, but efficient copy-pasting happens to rely on a row-major architecture.
- Selecting negative values includes errors and nulls
- Bug was described in issue #402.
- Errors (and nulls) need to exist somewhere specific on the number line so that sorting is stable. Artbitrarily, negative infinity was chosen, so that when a user sorts ascending, the errors would come first. Changing this would fix the selection bug, but then sorting would be unstable. This is undesirable.